ADME/Tox Studies and Products

We strive to offer industry-leading ADME/Tox products that provide physiologically relevant results, so you can make the right decisions to support your research. We are a team of hepatic scientists helping fellow scientists-supporting with our products and services, and participating in the advancement of research in 3D, enzyme induction, CYP inhibition, hepatic transport, and other metabolism-related (DMPK) fields and applications. We offer a comprehensive portfolio of tools to support your workflow across every step.

We offer high-grade hepatic systems (cells, media, supplements and matrices), subcellular fractions, and transport systems backed by extensive expertise in hepatic systems and decades of hepatocyte culture experience

  • Extensive expertise with decades of hepatocyte culture experience
  • Dedicated technical and field support to help with your ADME/DMPK research
  • A broad selection of cells, media, and product guidance necessary to create physiologically relevant co-culture models
  • Broad selection of human and animal hepatic cells to support your ADME/DMPK research

Transition seamlessly through all your ADME needs.

Transition seamlessly through all your ADME needs.

Featured ADME/Tox Products

The Gibco and Invitrogen brands by Thermo Fisher Scientific provide cell-based products to help accelerate the discovery and development of new therapeutics. Our comprehensive portfolio of hepatocytes, media, and supplements offer the stable foundation you need to confidently screen compounds for potential effects on liver function in both 2D and 3D models.

Review our offering of products to support your ADME/tox and DMPK needs and reach out to our team of hepatic scientists that can help you integrate these powerful tools in addition to providing hands-on training as you continue to make breakthroughs that will change the world of research and develop better therapies.

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