Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a communicable virus.  It is a disease of humans and other placental mammals caused by Ebola virus. The signs and symptoms of the Ebola virus Nausea, vomiting, Diarrhea (may be bloody), Red eyes, Raised rash, Bleeding, from the eyes, and bruising (people near death may bleed from other orifices, such as ears, nose and rectum) etc., usually start between two days after contracting the virus. The Ebola virus came into view from DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo). It was seen for the first-time in South Sudan in 1976 and again it was reappeared in 1979. The virus originated from Nzara and the other in Yambuku, a village near the Ebola River where the Disease takes its name. Body fluids, such as blood, of an infected human or other primates also spreads the virus when they come into the contact of each other. It can also transpire through recently contaminated element or surface. The infection of Ebola virus can cause internal and external hemorrhaging that can lead to breathe one’s last.

Spread of EVD in West African Nations.

Spread of EVD in West African Nations.

All the countries are at risk. The scientists and doctors are trying and studying number of treatments but no specific treatment and vaccine has been found yet. Protective efforts, however, improve result. It includes oral rehydration therapy (drinking slightly sweetened and salty water) or giving intravenous fluids as well as treating symptoms. The total number of cases since 1976 till 2013 are 1,716 which has been out broken by WHO (World Health Organization). The largest outbreak till date is 21,364 with 8,459 deaths. The continue spread of EVD has assisted the progress in West African nations that were not in touch with EVD. The all western practices has failed to recognize and cure the disease before recognizing it well because of the long asymptomatic incubation  period of the virus (up to 21 days), which enables dispersal through travel.

EVD in humans is caused by four of five viruses of the genus Ebola virus. The four are Bundibugyo virus (BDBV), Sudan virus (SUDV), Tai Forest virus (TAFV) and one simply called Ebola virus (EBOV, formerly Zaire Ebola virus). The fifth virus, Reston virus (RESTV), is not thought to cause disease in humans, but has caused disease in other primates. The RESTV virus is non-human virus. The all five viruses are closely related to marburg viruses. People who are very sick can be the reason for transmitting the virus from one to other by their saliva, it is not sure that whole virus can be transmitted through sweat. Human to human transmission often occurs. The Ebola virus cycle originated from bats. Then, the virus was transmitted in placental mammals and finally the human beings were infected. When human beings come in contact with bats, primates who already under the infection of Ebola virus get in touch with the Ebola virus.  This all lead to the origin of EVD cycle.

Isolation or Quarantine is process of separating people from those people who are suffering from the virus. It’ll help to stop the Ebola to spread more and that will definitely bring out a change to stop the virus up to certain extent. Preventive measures has to be taken to save living beings from Ebola otherwise it’ll not only threat living beings but also will be a great problem for all the nations. It can be treated between six to sixteen days before recognizing the symptoms of Ebola virus. The sooner you’ll take the action the better will the result.



The Nations are also lacking in market of drugs and financial problems. Which has created a deep worrying problem to resolve the virus EVD, to provide the proper treatment on time and to take the immediate action against disease. Financial problems for drugs and treatment is mostly dependent on wealthy nations. It’ll be a boon for the patients to get treatment on time. The WHO has strictly told that it will be creating problem to combat the disease with the any medicine. It has also been told that Tekmira drug can also be given to the patients suffering from Ebola virus.

The WHO is also thinking about to use the serum of the people who recovered from Ebola infection. All other nations’ Government along with many companies are also supporting to fight against Ebola. They have also some drugs and drugs and vaccine which work till certain stages in curing patients from Ebola. The US Department of Defense (DoD) has re-established Ebola disease research and providing financial resources in helping to bring out a change to solve this issue. Number of projects have been started on Ebola.

To take preventive measures the experts have suggested to wear protective clothing, masks, gloves, gowns and goggles. It has been recommend by CDC (Centers for Disease) that the protective gear leaves no skin exposed. You also have to take care while handling the contaminated items of the people suffering

from Ebola virus. Number of training centers are providing training to save yourself from Ebola virus. The infected person should be in barrier-isolation from other people. All medical items like needles and all should be buried under and should not be thrown in open area. If a person suffering from Ebola disease dies, direct contact with the dead body should be avoided.

These all diseases and viruses like Ebola, SARS and other infectious diseases have become the central problem in front of the whole globe. Today it is a need to work together for all the nations to become as fit as a fiddle. Still it is question, which countries will invest to bring out a change and to provide vaccine and drugs to all the needy ones. To live more and to cure the disease lot of fund is require in the upcoming time to solve the issue and make us free from Ebola.