Many scientists, as evidenced by recent discussions npj Parkinson’s Disease is a new open access. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that belongs to the group of conditions called motor system disorders. PD cannot yet be cured and sufferers get worse over time as the normal bodily functions, including breathing, balance, movement, and heart function worsen.

This disease mostly occurs after the age of 50 and is one of the most common nervous system disorders of the elderly. The disease is caused by the slow deterioration of the nerve cells in the brain, which create dopamine. Dopamine is a natural substance found in the brain that helps control muscle movement throughout the body.

Two month ago, When ago, when the PDF announced its partnership with Nature Publishing Group (NPG) in launching NPJ Parkinson’s Disease, both the communities were present in our mind. Our foremost goal is to gather at one place and  to be a part of  the research that will ultimately solve their disease.

PDF believes that open access can help to change that. In this way, open access is the right thing to do for the patient community.Charitable organisations such as the PDF are an important part of the fight to cure Parkinson’s. In the US, National Institutes for Health funding for Parkinson’s disease research has decreased in the last two years. The decrease in government funding has been met by an increase in funding from not-for-profit foundations such as the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation. From 2007-2011, nonprofits groups alone contributed to the 92% increase in funds allocated toward research and grants.

This simple information can help us to manage the illness.

Start your journey with Medication Awareness & Medical Support and then look through the other elements above and choose one or more that can help improve your quality of life based on your specific needs. Each of us is unique, so it is important to remember that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. We encourage you to try different elements and select the ones that work for you.

These 5 steps will help to work for you:

  1. Medication Awareness & Medical Support

Write down the name and dosage of your medication and keep it with you so that you can have it ready when anyone asks you or should you have to go to hospital unexpectedly.


There is no special “Parkinson’s Diet”, however learning the benefits of certain foods and the interactions of some foods with your medication can improve your overall health.


Regular exercise can help to improve some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s such as slowness of movement.


Taking care of your emotional well-being (mental health) is a important part of managing your Parkinson’s.


Optional Treatments include any interventions that can support your general well-being in addition to taking your medication.