The way into the Future anthology. This week’s installment, Perfection, is no exception. I remember from where the inspiration has come but it’s rare to know the exact timeline of its genesis. I think it is one of those stories that almost writes itself without struggles. Sometimes it get hard to know when the process is over or how much time will be consumed. BUT NOT FOR PERFECTION.

The term “perfection” is actually used to designate a range of diverse, if often kindred, concepts. These concepts have historically been addressed in a number of discrete disciplines, notably mathematics and theology. Suddenly, I caught last 12 minutes of a Radio4 program about Autotune. Couple of hours later i went on midday walk under a beautiful clear blue sky. After walking a mile or so a plot creation started bubbling up. I kept walking and walking the story assembled in four-mile walk. As soon as i reached home, I took my pen and copy and went to a coffee shop to write it down. It took almost 2 hours. The next day i have to clean up the final draft. From hearing the Radio 4 program to the finished story was 25 hours.

Between the story and its final form it managed a lot to incorporate a lot of things which I like: walking, singing (important disclaimer: neither I nor my friends at Lewes Operatic Society use Autotune) and messing about with electronics.