I am captivate with a lot of things in life, but when i think of science fiction, automatically my mind think of two things. One is artificial intelligence and other is exotic locations. So I am thinking on a lazy summer holiday why not to combine these two science fiction.

When I was living in Australia that place is so close to Southeast Asia. I get lot of influence from those Nations. I have visited that region many a times. I even stayed in Bangkok for a period of eight weeks. So setting my story in that sector of the globe just came naturally. Kuala Lumpur provided that gritty and engaging aesthetic that I was going for. I’ve always enjoyed the time I’ve spent in the city, so being able to make it the birth-place of artificial intelligence was a real pleasure.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field that has a long history but is still constantly and actively growing and changing. In this course, you’ll learn the basics of modern AI as well as some of the representative applications of AI. Along the way, we also hope to excite you about the numerous applications and huge possibilities in the field of AI, which continues to expand human capability beyond our imagination. But I don’t imagine it could possibly measure up to the emotions experienced by AIs/machines at seeing this. Rage, bitterness, disappointment, shame, fear, the list goes on. I can’t imagine they’d want to be human, only to be treated like ones. Perhaps it’s a little cynical, but a world in which advanced AI models are hunted down and destroyed came across as far too realistic to me.