Gel AdvancedTM Gel Extraction Miniprep System

Features and Benefits

  • Efficient extraction of DNA fragments from 100-bp to 10-kb
  • Recover DNA fragments from standard of low-melting point agarose gels in TAE or TBE buffer
  • Elute DNA with just 15~30µl elution buffer or ddH20
  • Recovery up to 90%
  • Preparation Time: 10-15 minutes
  • No sodium Iodide to interfere with subsequent reactions
  • No shearing of large DNA fragments
ProductCat.No.List priceContentsMSDSProtocol
Gel AdvancedTM Gel Extraction Miniprep SystemEG200150 preps
50 GP Columns,
50 Collection Tubes,
Buffers, Protocol

EG2002250 preps
250 GP Columns,
250 Collection Tubes,
Buffers, Protocol


Gel AdvancedTM Gel Extraction Miniprep System contains a silica-gel-membrane for binding of DNA in high-salt buffer (pH 4.5~5.5) and elution of DNA with low-salt buffer (pH 7.0~9.0) or ddH2O. The purification procedure removes agarose remanence, enzyme, salts, ethidium bromide and other impurities from DNA samples. Silica-gel-membrane technical eliminates the problems and inconvenience associated with loose resins and slurries.

Downstream Application

DNA purified with the Gel AdvancedTM Gel Extraction Miniprep System can be used directly in most applications, including:

  • Automated fluorescent and radioactive sequencing & PCR
  • Restriction digestion & modifying enzymatic reaction
  • Ligation
  • Labeling, & hybridization